Inovao do processo decisional

The decision-making process can be one of your company's competitive advantages.

The speed with which demands occur within a company means that a large volume of operational, tactical or strategic decisions are taken every day. The short time span for decision-making and the impacts generated for the business, especially in the case of strategic decisions, make this process even more critical. For this reason, we believe that improving the decision-making process with the support of new technologies should be among the priority initiatives of companies.

Key benefits of a modern decision-making process

  • Facilidade no acesso a informaes internas e externas
  • Ease of viewing metrics and progress against business goals, strategies and objectives
  • Ease of monitoring business operations in real time (eg e-commerce)
  • Greater information analytics and intelligence
  • Melhor tempo de resposta da empresa (TTM Time to Market)
  • Improved ability to identify and solve problems
  • Greater ability to analyze future trends and scenarios
  • Better foundation in business decisions

TTM Time to Market refers to the time between the analysis of a product and its availability for sale.

Despite the clear need for change, many companies are unaware of this and still operate with an inadequate or outdated decision-making process.

In these companies, we observe the following characteristics:

  • Not having the necessary information to choose the best path
  • Having a lot of data, but little analytical information to support the business decision
  • Rely only on historical data as it is the only thing available
  • Spend more time searching for information than analyzing it
  • Frequent loss of the window of business opportunities (TTM Time to Market)
  • Lack of data reliability
  • Use printed reports generated by isolated systems instead of performing drill down? analysis of corporate information
  • Difficulty monitoring dynamic business processes because dashboards with real-time data are not available
  • Have a segmented view (in silos) and sectored data instead of a corporate view and shared data
  • Rely only on managerial instinct and not on data analysis
  • Relying on hunches rather than facts and concrete analysis
  • Lack of a culture focused on processes and metrics

2 DRILL DOWN is the ability to view data in more detail.

What the polls say?

  • Data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers. - Source: Mckinsey Global Institute
  • 62% of retailers report that using information and analytics is creating a competitive advantage for their organization. - Source: IBM
  • Insight-driven companies are growing at an average of 30% each year; By 2021, they are predicted to receive $1.8 trillion annually from their less-informed competitors in the industry. - Source: Fifth Insight

How we can help your company?

The work of designing business dashboards can take various forms and scope, depending on the needs of the company. Below are some examples of how Citrine Consulting can help:

Design of performance indicators

The work of reviewing the existing decision-making process and designing performance indicators (KPIs) according to the needs identified by managers and best market practices is the first step to establish a decision-making process perfectly grounded with the necessary information for making decisions. decision.

Design of a management dashboard (MVP)

This initiative aims at the rapid implementation of a management dashboard to support decision making, providing the best assessment scenario the added value for the gestares and the associated technological complexity.

Subscription to dashboard services

Continuous service for the design and maintenance of KPIs and management dashboards for better decision-making in the company in all business areas . The subscription also includes access and use of the tools necessary for the good performance of the process.

Why Citrine Consulting?

The modern decision-making process comprises different dimensions: business processes, management models, technological and data architectures. In addition to strong knowledge and experience in these dimensions, Citrine Consulting proposes a methodological approach that seeks to maximize value through a balance between our Clients' managerial instincts and modern data analysis processes.

Citrine Consulting's approach proposes the construction of an MVP (Minimum Viable Proposition) that, adopting a reduced scope to start, allows managers to validate assumptions, evaluate benefits and results, and obtain maximum value with reduced investment, in the smallest time lapse. However, the greatest benefit of the approach proposed by Citrine Consulting is surely the beginning of a relationship of trust between the most resistant managers and the innovation of the decision-making process through the use of new technologies.

Nossa abordagem

The decision-making process of modern companies is efficient, allows quick access to information that must be reliable and updated, consolidates internal and external information, offers analytical capacity and data intelligence. This process offers the best basis for strategic and operational decision-making, making it a competitive differentiator for the company.

However, the decision-making process is inserted in a dynamic and complex universe, permeating practically all the layers of the corporate environment, as illustrated in the figure to the side. The improvement of this process, puts its developers in front of challenges that are in the three dimensions: business, IT and people.

  • Defined strategic business objectives (translated into numbers)
  • Performance indicators (KPIs) defined and aligned between managers
  • Mapped business processes (and associated metrics)
  • Data quality
  • Ability to handle large volumes of data
  • Capacidade de acesso rpido a informaes confiveis e atualizadas
  • Data analysis and intelligence capability
  • Ability to capture pulverized data (various sources and formats)
  • Ability to access updated data in real time
  • Culture change (data-based management, goals, metrics)

Main activities of the MVP

Business strategies

  • Mapping of business goals, strategies and objectives (in numbers)
  • Review of the existing decision-making process
  • Mapping of roles and responsibilities

Processos de negcio

  • Review of Metrics related to critical business processes
  • Mapeamento e definio de KPIs?

Data services

  • Data modeling
  • Evaluation of technological solutions for data processing
  • Evaluation of the data quality process
  • Definition of dashboards of indicators (Dashboard)

Technology infrastructure services

  • Infrastructure adjustments to support the decision-making process

IT Organization

  • Information security requirements support

Information security services

  • IT adjustments to support the decision-making process

2 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are the indicators monitored by the business. This is essential to measure your key internal processes.

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